Cashew processing and cashew shell-extracted biomass fuel plant launched in Kampong Thom Province

Jun 5th at 08:04
05-06-2024 08:04:05+07:00

Cashew processing and cashew shell-extracted biomass fuel plant launched in Kampong Thom Province

A cashew processing and cashew shell-extracted biomass fuel plant invested by Japan’s MIRATH GREEN TECH has officially been inaugurated in Kampong Thom province.


The launching ceremony was co-chaired by Touch Bun Hour, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and Atsushi Ueno, Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia, with the participation of relevant officials and stakeholders.

The plant’s achievements, including its capacity to process 1,500 tons of cashew nuts per year, were made possible by good collaboration and support from the government, the private sector, and technical assistance from TOP Planning Japan and JICA.

“The inauguration of this plant is a significant milestone for Cambodia’s agricultural sector,” said Bun Hour, underlining the vast potential of the cashew nut processing industry for creating finished goods and boosting exports.

Bun Hour also underscored the significance of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s National Cashew Policy 2022-2027. This strategic roadmap, with its focus on three major goals (production, processing, and exports), aims to position Cambodia as the world’s leading producer of cashew nuts.




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