Hanoi paves the way for enhanced Vietnam-China economic cooperation

Nov 14th at 10:45
14-11-2023 10:45:46+07:00

Hanoi paves the way for enhanced Vietnam-China economic cooperation

The signing of this agreement between the provinces and cities of two countries demonstrates the will and determination of the localities to build a prosperous and sustainable economic corridor.

A signing ceremony of the Economic Corridor Cooperation Agreement between provinces and cities of Vietnam and China’s Yunnan Province took place today [November 13] in the presence of Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee, Tran Sy Thanh, and Chairman of Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress, Liu Xiao-kai.

Delegates attend the signing ceremony. Photos: Thanh Hai/ The Hanoi Times

Tran Sy Thanh, Mayor of Hanoi, affirmed that the signing of this agreement demonstrates the desire and determination of the localities to build a prosperous and sustainable economic corridor.

He expressed confidence that with the aspirations and determination of the localities, along with the support and facilitation of the governments and central agencies of both countries, the prosperous economic corridor will soon become a reality.

The Mayor of Hanoi also mentioned that this conference has identified certain existing limitations that have affected the progress in implementing cooperation agreements between the two sides.

Tran Sy Thanh, Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee, speaks at the closing ceremony.

The conference proposed solutions and measures to strengthen and improve the quality of cooperation in the future, focusing on priority areas such as investment and trade exchanges, tourism development, transportation, education, culture, human resources training, health care, disease prevention and agricultural development.

Localities will continue to be encouraged to explore innovative methods of cooperation, seek appropriate channels for information exchange, and create the best conditions for agencies, units, and enterprises to connect and seize cooperation and investment opportunities to effectively utilize the strengths of each locality based on compliance with laws and international conventions, Thanh said.

He stressed that the delegates attending this conference made an agreement to maintain meetings and information exchange among the localities, and decided to hold the 11th conference in Yunnan Province in 2025.

Speaking at the ceremony, Chairman Liu Xiao-kai expressed his gratitude to the Hanoi People's Committee and related units for successfully organizing this conference.

He stressed that the conference was held in an open and effective atmosphere and achieved significant results, contributing to promoting friendly relations, deepening connectivity and cooperation between the two countries.

Wrapping up the event, Tran Sy Thanh handed over the host flag of the 11th Economic Corridor Cooperation Conference  to Liu Xiao-kai, Chairman of China's Yunnan Province.

Hanoi’s Chairman Tran Sy Thanh handed over the hosting flag of the 11th Economic Corridor Cooperation Conference to China’s Yunnan Province Chairman Liu Xiao-kai.

Hanoi Times


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