Local firms seek opportunities to join global supply chains

Aug 19th at 15:49
19-08-2019 15:49:38+07:00


Local firms seek opportunities to join global supply chains

As many as 24 buyers have registered to attend a conference in HCMC to seek suppliers for supporting industries, giving domestic firms a greater opportunity to join global supply chains.

Apart from registering for participation in the conference, the buyers have provided detailed information on the components and items they need for the domestic market.

Of these buyers, 14 firms need electronic parts; three enterprises are seeking suppliers of mechanical parts; and seven others want to buy automobile components, aircraft parts and healthcare equipment.

As for supply firms, up to 56 local suppliers of mechanical and electronics parts and rubber and packaging products have registered to join the event organized by the HCMC Department of Industry and Trade.

Nguyen Phuong Dong, deputy director of the department, stated that the number of buyers registering to attend the event has risen from 17 firms in 2018, indicating that foreign-invested firms’ demand for local suppliers is on the rise.

Foreign buyers have also praised Vietnam’s supporting industry manufacturers for their efforts to renovate their products and apply advanced science and technology to production.

These foreign buyers insisted that there was great potential for local firms to join the global supply chain.

In 2018, after a series of conferences, up to 92% of local suppliers assessed that foreign buyers were potential customers, whereas 62% of buyers noted that local suppliers had potential for joining supply chains, Dong remarked.

This year’s conference is expected to boost market connection activities in the city, enhance the efficiency of connections and expand consumption markets for local enterprises, Dong said.

The two-day conference, taking place on September 11 at the Convention Center at 272 Vo Thi Sau Street in District 3, is aimed at creating favorable conditions for supporting industry and manufacturing firms to seize opportunities to work with foreign partners.



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