Discover your next SCG concept on display at the architect fair

Apr 28th at 08:21
28-04-2016 08:21:36+07:00

Discover your next SCG concept on display at the architect fair

SCG showcases innovations in building materials and living technology under the concept of “discover your next SCG experience” on display at the annual architect fair from April 26 to May 1 at the Challenger Hall, Impact Arena, Muang Thong Thani in Thailand.

To promote the highlights of the exhibition of SCG's products, which are displayed in a huge space of 1,600 square metres, the company invited media from Southeast Asean nations to visit their booth, including from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia.

Brand Director of SCG Cement-Building Materials, Mr Anuvat Chalermchai, told Asean media “Many of our products, for example COTTO, which present beautiful bathrooms in several different styles to suit all tastes are already available in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar for a few years and people in those countries are already part of our family of products.”

“In the past we have participated in the architect fair in Laos, while products with innovations on display at the 2016 architect fair today will be introduced into Laos and other countries in Asean,” Mr Anuvat told the regional press conference at the architect fair on Tuesday.

“More interesting products from SCG will be exhibited in Laos. The Lao Architect Association organises a group to visit our booth here every year and they have a good connection with the architects' association of Thailand. It is very easy to come to Thailand from Laos, but of course Laos is a very important market, so more and more SCG products with new technology will be on offer and exhibited there,” he said.

According to Mr Anuvat, SCG is presenting home and living innovations and technology at this year's architect fair by building on innovations in cement using 3D printing technology.

“We have collaborated with one of Thailand's leading architects from Super Machine Studio, who is recognised by the global architecture industry on the ‘Y-Box Pavilion, 21st century Cave'. This is Asean's first cement structure measuring more than three metres tall, made by 3D printing. The result is a design that bypasses the restrictions and boundaries of traditional architecture.”

In addition, SCG has spent more than two years developing special Portland cement, incorporating 3D printing technology for construction use. The specially formulated cement can turn the designer's imaginative architectural designs into reality.

SCG's building materials showcased at the 2016 architect fair are outstanding in terms of functionality design and innovation. In addition, they also serve the needs of home dwellers in the Asean region.

Some of the highlight products include the SCG Smartwood Modeena series, a fibre cement wood substitute made by extrusion technology, which adds unique patterns and dimensions to your home.

In anticipation of the ageing society of the future, SCG has used integrated knowledge and innovations to develop SCG eldercare solution products, which help to prevent falls.

These products are displayed in a whole house friendly elderly living environment, showing the level of care involved in the selection of the right products and equipment, and the proper installation for bathrooms, bedrooms, staircase and pathways outside the house itself.

In addition to the main highlight, visitors will also be able to experience Grab a Trend, in which they will learn about new design trends from around the world.

Design trends for 2016-2017 have been used to create new products that address the changing demands of home owners. At the fair, visitors can also experience SCG's products and services from brands under SCG.

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