Asean delegates discuss single window service
Asean delegates discuss single window service
Delegates from Asean member countries met in Vientiane yesterday to discuss legal and regulatory matters concerning the implementation of the Asean Single Window (ASW), a regional platform to facilitate trade.
In particular, information was exchanged about the development of the Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) Form D.
ATIGA Form D works through an electronic system and is expected to operate from the end of this year until early 2014. Its ultimate goal is to create more convenient trade exchanges amongst and between all the Asean countries.
At the meeting, participants reviewed the terms and conditions of the Legal Framework Agreement to assess the progress of ATIGA Form D's development.
They were briefed on the outcomes of the 10th ASW Steering Committee Meeting in the Philippines and the 9th Asean Economic Community (AEC) Council Meeting in Brunei.
The representatives also reviewed the work to be undertaken by the Legal Working Group (LWG) after the decisions made at the 18th LWG Meeting in Myanmar.
The single window service is a centralised system for the government sector to improve the management, import and export of goods, utilising information technology to collect and analyse pertinent trade data.
This system will facilitate the easier import and export of goods as officials will soon be able to submit the documents required by regulatory agencies via a single electronic gateway, instead of submitting and processing the same information numerous times.
The goal of the system's development is to enhance capacity in trade management by using modern equipment and to promote trade cooperation at the regional and international levels.
The Asean Single Window is the cornerstone of plans to develop the Asean Economic Community by 2015, according to officials working in trade and investment.
Several Asean countries have successfully created their own single window platforms such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Thailand.
Laos is still in the planning process at the moment and so far has successfully set up an ASW steering committee and master plan.
The country is focusing on drafting a decree which gives the green light to the creation and use of a single window service system in line with national socio-economic development policy and external commitments within Asean.
vientiane times