Bokeo holds activities to promote investment

Oct 10th at 08:30
10-10-2016 08:30:21+07:00

Bokeo holds activities to promote investment

Bokeo province is organising a variety of activities to attract more investment and promote provincial economic development.

The activities shall run from October 5-17 and feature different activities including a trade exhibition, traditional bull fightin g competition, traditional art performances, a boat racing festival and fire boat competition, according to the provincial Planning and Investment Department.

The province will also hold a seminar between the provincial Bokeo Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chiang Rai Chamber of Commerce of Thailand in regards to One District One Product development and cooperation.

The provincial authorities will also meet with delegations from China, Vietnam and Myanmar, aiming to boost trading and investment cooperation as well as meetings between the government and private sector.

In one of its important activities, the province has appointed a committee to estimate the number of hotels, guesthouses and restaurants which are operational.

Then the Lao and foreign delegations will have an opportunity to visit the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone.

The provincial authorities hoped that the events would attract participants to visit in order to promote tourism and encourage investment within the province.

Over the last five years, business operation and investment by domestic and foreign private investors in the province has continued to expand. Currently there are 46 projects operational, worth some US$1.103 billion.

Most of the investments are in agriculture and forestry, industry and commerce and the service sectors. The investors come from different countries including China, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, and Vietnam, with China the biggest investor.

To achieve the strategy and vision of the province, Bokeo authorities have allocated seven plans and 52 projects for investment promotion.

The seven plans are focused on food security and commercial cropping, infrastructure development, rural development and poverty reduction, human resources and socio-cultural development.

The province is also focused on updating the effectiveness of the government administration, creating basic industry and devel oping trades and service areas as well as managing and rehabili tating its forestry areas.

For the 52 projects, the provincial authorities have identified priority and necessary projects for rapid investment implementation.

These include basic transportation infrastructure developm ent projects, irrigation system construction and agricultural improvement projects, an occupational training centre project and income stabilisation for poor families.

The province is currently struggling with transportation as many roads do not facilitate easy access and are difficult to pass in the rainy season.

In addition, most of the available labour is unskilled because many young people do not have access to education and lack study opportunities due to limited family incomes.

vientiane times


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