ANZ Vietnam signs new MoneyMinded Partnerships
ANZ Vietnam signs new MoneyMinded Partnerships
ANZ yesterday announced the signing of MoneyMinded partnerships between ANZ and its three partners in Vietnam, including Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, FPT University and Institute of Economic and International Trade under Foreign Trade University.
The partnership is aimed at expanding the reach of the MoneyMinded programme to wider groups in the local community. The partnerships between ANZ and the three partners will allow partners to deliver the programme on ANZ behalf to their identified target groups during the partnership period.
“Building a responsible business is one of ANZ priorities. By offering this practical financial education programme to Vietnamese young adults and selected disadvantaged groups, we believe that together with our partners we can build long term financial confidence and well-being for Vietnamese people. We are pleased to find trusted partners in Vietnam and want to thank our partners for their support in this meaningful programme,” said Phan Thi Thanh Binh, acting chief executive officer at ANZ Vietnam.
MoneyMinded is part of ANZ’s long-term strategic approach to improving financial literacy in the community. The programme has reached more than 240,000 people since its inception in 2004. MoneyMinded was first launched in Vietnam in 2012 at FPT University, benefiting over 400 participants in three years.
Dam Quang Minh, rector of FPT University, said the programme was proved positively with FPT University students.
“We are delighted to partner with ANZ and send our teachers to learn about the programme and come back delivering it to our students. This partnership gives us more flexibility and autonomy to arrange MoneyMinded sessions on our own agenda,” said Minh.
“We welcome both the MoneyMinded program itself, and the opportunity to help evolve the program with ANZ in Vietnam, particularly for BDCF’s disadvantaged beneficiaries. This is also a great learning opportunity for our staff,” Michael Brosowski, chief executive and founder of Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, said.