Hanoi Stock Exchange carries out regular review of HNX 30 Index
Hanoi Stock Exchange carries out regular review of HNX 30 Index
On 08/10/2012, HNX Index Committee carried out the regular review of HNX 30 Index according to the Ground Rules of HNX 30 Index (in April and October annually). This is the first regular review since the launch of HNX 30 Index. Data for the review is in 12 months as of 30/09/2012.
The Committee reviewed the stock constituents and free-float of each constituent.
New stock constituents, whose data was extracted on the last trading date of September, will come into effect after the last trading date of October. The adjustment in the stock constituents is based on the following rule: new basket consists of at least 25 stocks from the old basket to avoid the disorder within a short time. Besides, updated information in the reviewed semi-annual financial statement, and information disclosure of corporate actions are considered to remove certain stocks from the basket.
Regular review of stock constituents is conducted based on the following procedure:
Step 1: Stocks in the Index Universe that have not been under Compliance inspection (sign of “C”) are first selected by ranking in terms of average daily trading value during last 12 months to arrive at 100 highest ranking stocks (Top100)
Step 2: Within the Top100, select 70 stocks with biggest average daily Free Float adjusted Market Capitalization (FFMC) during last 12 months (Top70)
Step 3: Select 25 stocks from current 30 constituents
+ Any stock constituent currently in HNX 30 Index, which is not among the Top100, will be removed.
+ 25 stocks which have the biggest FFMC and meet the liquidity criteria will be selected (If there are not enough 25 stocks, the remaining will be selected in the following steps)
Step 4: Selecting 5 remaining constituent stocks
Among the Top70, except for 25 stocks that have been selected, the 5 remaining constituent stocks are selected as follows:
+ 5 stocks (or more if any) will be selected if they have biggest FFMC (after meeting the liquidity criteria) and number of stocks in each industry does not exceed 20% of total stock constituents.
According to this rule, 5 stocks are removed, namely SDU, QNC, SDH, SD9 and PFL. 5 new stock constituents are LAS, PVV, PVE, PV2 and BCC.
Thus, list of stock constituents in HNX 30 Index basket, which is effective from 1/11/2012, includes:
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