Vietnam, Australia boost ASEAN-OECD cooperation to restore economy

Oct 18th at 10:04
18-10-2022 10:04:03+07:00

Vietnam, Australia boost ASEAN-OECD cooperation to restore economy

In the spirit of placing people at the center, OECD countries, including Australia, are interested in supporting Vietnam's development of human resources and vocational skills.

Vietnam and Australia will boost ASEAN-OECD cooperation to restore the post-pandemic economy. This is the spirit of the upcoming OECD-Vietnam High-Level Economic Forum.

Vietnam's Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and Australian Assistant Minister for Manufacturing and Trade Tim Ayres. Photo: VNA

At the meeting with Australian Assistant Minister for Manufacturing and Trade Tim Ayres on October 17, Vietnam's Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh appreciated the joint hosting of the Australian and Vietnamese leaders at the forum on October 17-18.

He said the forum, entitled "Operationalising Responsible Business Conduct for Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chains", is in the interest of the two countries. He called on Australia to continue cooperating closely with Vietnam as co-chairs of the OECD-led Southeast Asia Regional Program (SEARP) for 2022-2025.

He added that the two countries would have the opportunity to enhance mutual and multilateral partnerships in economy, trade and investment.

The Prime Minister asked Australia to import more Vietnamese agricultural and aquatic products, stop anti-dumping investigations on some Vietnamese products, and speed up quarantine and clearance procedures at the border.

It is in the interest of both nations that Australia facilitates Vietnamese companies' investment in the country and encourages Australian businesses to increase investment in Vietnam in the fields of renewable energy, high-tech agriculture and strategic transport infrastructure.

The Prime Minister also called on Australia to create favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Australia, especially to integrate smoothly with the host country's society and positively contribute to the relations between the two countries.

For his part, the Australian Assistant Minister also highly appreciated Vietnam's role as co-chair of the OECD Southeast Asia Program for 2022-2025.

In the people-centered spirit, OECD countries, including Australia, are interested in supporting the development of human resources and vocational skills for ASEAN countries and Vietnam, he said.

He underlined Australia would continue to coordinate and support Vietnam in carrying out its duties as co-chair and promoting cooperation activities within the OECD. Ayres agreed that the two countries should strengthen cooperation in responding to current regional and world challenges, including climate change and energy security.

Hanoi's cooperation with Australia
 Hanoi seeks Australia's cooperation to improve administration reforms and intensify investment in Ring Road No.4 to connect regions, according to Secretary of the Hanoi's Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung at a recent meeting with the outgoing Australian Ambassador to Vietnam, Robyn Mudie.

He said culture, education, health, smart city, and hi-tech agriculture are a range of collaboration fields between Hanoi and Australia.

In the coming time, Hanoi will work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to build plans to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-Australia diplomatic relations in 2023. 

Hanoi Times


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