Investment promotion forum held in Brussels

Sep 20th at 16:19
20-09-2017 16:19:38+07:00

Investment promotion forum held in Brussels

A forum was held in Brussels, Belgium, on Monday to promote economic ties between Viet Nam and Belgium and other European nations, with over 100 business representatives in attendance.


Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue, who chaired the event, detailed Viet Nam’s socio-economic development plans and highlighted the country’s role in connecting European firms with the Asia–Pacific market. The Vietnamese government pledged to continue building a transparent and friendly environment for investors, Hue said. He encouraged Belgian and European firms to hasten the signing and ratification of the Viet Nam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which is expected to create opportunities for enterprises on both sides.

Hue added that they should invest in common interest sectors, particularly manufacturing, hi-tech industries, infrastructure and the environment, as well as finance – banking, agro-forestry-fishery, food processing and energy, in addition to Information Communications Technology (ICT) and pharmaceuticals.

The Deputy PM called on investors to study opportunities to become strategic partners of Vietnamese State-owned enterprises during the equitisation and divestment process. “Nothing can get in the way of boosting stronger relations between Viet Nam and Belgium and the EU in general,” he said. Belgian and European enterprises lauded the socio-economic achievements Viet Nam has made over the years. They showed interest in investment opportunities in Viet Nam and noted the country’s important position in business links between the EU and Asia-Pacific. They also made recommendations to improve the Vietnamese investment climate, including strengthening dialogues between the government and enterprises. Most participants praised the potential role of EVFTA in creating a legal framework and opportunities for firms on both sides.

On the same day, the Deputy PM had separate meetings with leaders of a number of groups, such as the Beverage AB InBev Group, the steel wire transformation and coatings Bekaert S.A Group of Belgium and the Pharma Group Vietnam. During the meetings, he informed the groups of Viet Nam’s policies on developing sectors relevant to them and encouraged them to connect with Vietnamese firms to expand operations in the country. The groups praised the measures taken by Viet Nam to create a favourable business environment for foreign investors.

They also reiterated their support for ensuring the EVFTA comes into effect soon and said they would convey this message to the governments of EU member states.



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