Govt steps up assistance for garment makers

Nov 14th at 09:01
14-11-2016 09:01:57+07:00

Govt steps up assistance for garment makers

Lao brand name clothing designers have recognised that there are opportunities for their brands to gain wider distribution both domestically and internationally after the government moved to increase their exposure at important national events.

One Lao garment maker, Ms Phin, told Vientiane Times that she fully supports the government in allocating zones at the That Luang Festival this year, allowing only Lao products for exhibit and sale in designated areas.

She said this would assist Lao manufacturers to gain more exposure and expand their markets, as well as reducing competition from foreign clothing brands.

This will also help to raise Lao garment manufacturers' appeal to the tourist market while encouraging more Lao people to purchase more domestically produced clothes.

Encouraging local consumption of local products can be a key driver for sustainable economic growth.

Ms Phin said the government should continue to promote the Lao clothing industry and showcase its quality to Lao people as well as tourists, which will help Lao designers to gain access to wider markets.

She said that recently Lao garments have managed to garner greater interest both domestically and abroad, as the number of people distributing her brand has continued to increase from year to year.

This is a good sign for Lao designers and should encourage them to further improve and develop their products to respond to competition from international markets.

However, one designer named Mr Bin said that even though the government is now making more effort to promote Lao clothing and fashion as an industry, Lao designers should increase their exposure and bargaining power by joining forces as one group to negotiate with foreign buyers.

Meanwhile, Laos has joined the Asean Economic Community, so more and more foreign clothing brands are now making their way into the country.

The number of shopping malls in Vientiane is also growing, so Lao clothing manufacturers need to make sure they have a presence in the new malls and that they are not dominated by foreign brands.

Mr Bin believes Lao clothing brands can compete with those from other countries as the materials they use are good quality while Lao designers are coming up with more creative ideas all the time.

He reiterated that more cooperation between local clothing makers will make it easier for them to promote Lao brands overseas and attend fashion shows in other countries and put Lao clothing and fashion on the international stage.

vientiane times


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