Tien Giang province posts 14.6% rise in exports

Oct 3rd at 16:22
03-10-2016 16:22:57+07:00

Tien Giang province posts 14.6% rise in exports

The Industry and Trade Department of the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang reported export earnings of US$1.48 billion in the past nine months of this year.


This was a surge of 14.6 per cent from the same period last year.

The figure, which accounted for 70 per cent of the yearly plan, is expected to help the province reach its export value target of $2.1 billion for this year.

Foreign-invested businesses continued asserting their leading role by making up 63 per cent of total exports with products such as handbags, shoes, apparel and processed aquatic products, as well as vegetables, fruits and plastic items.

Businesses have been striving to expand their export markets beyond the traditional European ones, the department said..

The United States, a new, potential market, accounted for 90 per cent of the locality's export earnings from the American region.

The export results reflected the local administration's efforts to continuously improve business and investment environment, accelerate trade promotion activities and encourage the start-up spirit.

That effort allowed the province to reel in 17 new investment projects with more than VND9.2 trillion ($414 million) capital over the past nine months, a four and 3.6 times increase in terms of the number and value of projects, respectively, compared with the same period last year. In addition, eight operating projects asked to increase their capital by over VND1.35 trillion, four projects more and 75 per cent higher in terms of registered capital year-on-year.

Tran Hoang Phong, vice director of the Planning and Investment Department, noted that the effort should focus on bettering investment and business climate, hastening administrative reform, building complete technical infrastructure and promoting dialogue between local agencies and businesses and investors to tackle obstacles in production and export in a timely manner.



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