US ITC continues investigation on Vietnamese steel imports

Jan 19th at 07:57
19-01-2016 07:57:14+07:00

US ITC continues investigation on Vietnamese steel imports

The United States International Trade Committee (ITC) has decided to continue anti-dumping investigation on Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipes (CWP) imported from Viet Nam, the Vietnam Competition Authority said.


The investigation will also extend to imports from other countries, including Oman, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

Under the ITC's preliminary determination in the case, it said investigations would continue because of indications that the import of CWP from these countries had threatened the American industry with prices that were lower than those in the US market.

The United States Department of Commerce (DOC) had announced in November the initiation of anti-dumping duty investigations of CWP imports from Viet Nam and other countries.

The investigation had been sparked on October 28, with the filing of a lawsuit against the DOC and ITC by American plaintiffs, including Bull Moose Tube Company, EXLTUBE, Wheatland Tube and Western Tube and Conduit, based on charges of dumping and anti-subsidies.

In 2014, imports of CWP from Viet Nam were valued at an estimated US$60.6 million.

The dumping margin on Vietnamese CWP was at its highest rate of 113.8 per cent, followed by Oman at 98.87 per cent to 105.58 per cent and the United Arab Emirates, from 47.06 per cent to 54.27 per cent.

Under the ITC's determination, the DOC will continue its investigation. The preliminary results are scheduled for release on April 5, 2016.

In 2011, the United States conducted anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations on CWP imported from Viet Nam and other countries, such as Oman and the United Arab Emirates.

However, the investigation ended as the DOC said Vietnamese firms had not received any subsidies from the government, and the ITC said there was no damage done to the American CWP industry.



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