Automated customs systems installed at 23 border crossings
Automated customs systems installed at 23 border crossings
Some 23 border crossings including 12 international checkpoints in Laos have installed the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) to facilitate customs operations and trade, a report revealed at a recent review meeting.
ASYCUDA is part of the Customs Trade Facilitation Project (CTFP), currently in its second phase from July 11, 2013 to October 31, 2017, and supported by the World Bank with US$6.5 million.
The project aims to enhance customs and trade by improving the efficiency of customs operations, reducing the amount of time needed to make import and export tax declarations, and especially improving the practices of customs officials.
The sixth steering committee meeting reviewing the CTFP noted the report findings. A representative of the Customs Department, Mr Bounpaseuth Sikounaboud, said they expected the new system to reduce the paperwork required for imports and exports at checkpoints by 10 percent a year during the course of the project.
It would also reduce the number of steps needed for customs declarations by 25 percent as well as enhancing product checking process efficiency by 10 percent a year.
Deputy Minister of Finance, and President of the CTFP, Mr Santiphab Phomvihane, said that ASYCUDA would be increasingly useful for customs information management and aimed to accelerate import and export procedures.
Automated systems are an important part of practice obligations to international organisations, especially enhancing processes for expanding import-export product exchange in the region.
The changeover is necessary to comply with regional and international standards and WTO requirements. The new system will make customs procedures easier for businesses and attract domestic and overseas investors.
Mr Santiphab said the automated system was a basic development towards the National Single Window to prepare for connection to the Asean Single Window when Laos becomes part of the Asean Economic Community at the end of this year.
The CTFP plans to continue enhancing customs procedures such as expanding the Smart Tax System to reduce the number of payment steps.