RIA implementation boosts SME, private sector growth
RIA implementation boosts SME, private sector growth
The Lao government is moving to implement the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), following the official launch of the new Centre for Regulatory Impact Assessment for Draft Legislation (RIA Centre).
The centre is located in the Ministry of Justice under the Asian Development Bank's (ADB) support for the private sector and small and medium-d enterprises' (SMEs) development programme with the Lao government.
The centre will support government authorities in assessing the impacts of draft legislation on affected stakeholders in businesses and government by providing advice, training and raising awareness of RIA across Laos.
In making and amending legislation, RIA requires clear identification of the purpose and objectives of draft legislation, possible options to achieve these objectives and assessment of the impacts on affected stakeholders in business and community, based on strong consultation with these stakeholders.
RIA targets the removal and preven tion of unintended consequences and unnecessary costs from legislation on businesses, thereby reducing the cost of doing business in Laos and making Lao businesses more productive and competitive, as well as fostering a business environment in Laos that is more attractive to local and international investors.
Consultation between government and affected stakeholders during the development of legislation via the government's online Official Gazette and workshops is considered critical for developing legisl ation that supports Laos' private sector and community.
The RIA system is widely used and recognised across developed countries as an effective tool in s upporting the growth of the private sector and competitiveness of the economy.
Under the Law on Making Legislation and recent Decision on the Impact Assessment of Draft Legislation, RIA is required to undertake most legislation developed at the central and provincial levels in Laos.
The RIA Centre is currently developing guidelines, which will provide guidance to central and provincial authorities on how to undertake RIA.
The RIA Centre is planning to conduct training, with support from the ADB through ADB's technical assistance project under the Implementing Regulatory Impact Assessment Project, to develop skills and capacity to support government authorities in improving the quality of legislation to help the growth of SMEs and the private sector in Laos.
The centre will also conduct training for government authorities and raise awareness across Lao businesses and the community on how they can be involved in the impact assessment process.
The ADB will continue supporting the centre in the implementation of RIA across the Lao government through to 2017.
vientiane times