Myanmar to export timber to EU countries

Feb 21st at 11:31
21-02-2013 11:31:45+07:00

Myanmar to export timber to EU countries

Myanmar will export its timber to the European Union (EU) countries starting June this year and s delegation of the EU will Myanmar next month to coordinate for the export, local media reported Wednesday.

During its visit in Myanmar, the EU delegation will observe current timber extraction in the country and sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for timber trade, said the Weekly Eleven News.

Exporting Myanmar's timber to EU needs certificate for their legal authentication, the report said.

Myanmar is a country with most severe forest depletion due to widespread illegal logging throughout the country, the report quoted Win Htun, Minister for Environmental Conservation and Forestry as saying.

Meanwhile, the United States and some Western counties have lifted sanctions on Myanmar timber



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