More companies to enter securities market in 2025
More companies to enter securities market in 2025
As the securities market gradually became a source of capital for companies to expand their business potential, six more companies are expected to enter into the market this year.
As of February, the Cambodia Securities Exchanges (CSX) has 24 listed companies, including 11 companies listed as equity securities and 13 other companies listed as debt securities.
The listed-companies raised a combined $475 million from the securities market, CSX report showed.
The number of companies listed on the securities market has increased with a total market value of $475 million. This year more new companies are expected to list on the market, said Sou Socheat, Director-General of Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC).
“This year will be another successful year for the securities sector with at least 6 more listed companies,” Socheat said at a listing ceremony on subordinated bonds held earlier this year.
The securities sector is one of the arteries of economic growth with a high potential for promoting the development of all sectors by providing long-term capital for enterprises to expand their business, he said.
The SERC Director-General called for securities companies and issuers to participate in promoting the securities market and attract companies to turn to financing options through the stock market.
According to CSX’s CEO Hong Sok Hour, in 2024, the average daily trading volume for stocks was around $130,000 with the participants from the retail investors.
About 12,745 investors opened new trading accounts at CSX last year, a year-on-year increase of over 26 percent, bringing the total active trading accounts at CSX to 58,394 by the end of 2024.
“CSX is committed to achieving significant goals for 2025 by continuing to double the daily trading value to approximately $300,000, adding 15,000 new trading accounts, and more companies will continue to be listed in 2025,” he said.
Launched in 2012, CSX is a joint venture between the Cambodian government holding 55 percent of the stakes and the Korean Exchange owning the remaining 45 percent.
- 08:27 28/02/2025