Việt Nam develops border gates into key economic zones

Sep 17th at 13:17
17-09-2024 13:17:30+07:00

Việt Nam develops border gates into key economic zones

Northern provinces are focusing on building infrastructure to attract investment and putting border gates on digital platforms to develop the areas into key economic zones while ensuring border security and defence.

Lao Bảo International Border Gate in Quảng Trị Province (from Việt Nam side). — VNA/VNS Photo Hồ Cầu

Quảng Ninh Province, home to three border economic zones of Móng Cái, Hoành Mô – Đồng Văn and Bắc Phong Sinh, has instigated key breakthroughs in strategy to develop modern transport infrastructure, facilitating trade exchanges and economic development in zones.

The Vân Đồn - Móng Cái Highway was put into operation two years ago, forming a network that connects Lào Cai, Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Vân Đồn and Móng Cái and links Lào Cai and Móng Cai International Border Gates with China’s Hekou and Dongxing ones.

Meanwhile, the border gate economic zone in Lạng Sơn Province has attracted 154 domestic and foreign projects worth over US$738 million since 2016, most of which are in the area of infrastructure development, meeting the demand of trade exchanges in the border areas.

In Cao Bằng Province, nearly VNĐ300 billion from the State budget was injected into its border gates for the construction of essential infrastructure during 2021-2023, helping the locality attract 54 domestic and foreign projects.

As State capital has also been arranged for the development of the border gate economic areas in Hà Giang and Lai Châu provinces, they have seen robust trade activities and better State budget collection.

However, several localities are facing challenges in developing economy at their border gates, including poor transport connectivity between Hà Giang and economic hubs, along with import-export procedures in Cao Bằng Province.

The Prime Minister agreed to select eight key border gate economic zones to receive State monies for development in the 2021-2025 period. They are Móng Cái, Đồng Đăng-Lạng Sơn, Lào Cai and Cao Bằng border gate economic zones in the northern provinces of Quảng Ninh, Lạng Sơn, Lào Cai and Cao Bằng, respectively.

Also on the radar for development is the Cầu Treo international border gate economic zone in the central province of Hà Tĩnh, the Lao Bảo special economic-trade zone in the central province of Quảng Trị, the Mộc Bài border gate economic zone in the southern province of Tây Ninh and the Mekong Delta province of An Giang’s border gate economic zone.



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