Quảng Bình woos Belgian tourists, investors

Jun 16th at 07:05
16-06-2024 07:05:25+07:00

Quảng Bình woos Belgian tourists, investors

The central province of Quảng Bình trumpeted its natural beauty and investment potential at an event in the Belgian capital of Brussels on June 14, which attracted many local tourism agencies, potential investors and travel fans.

Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Thao speaks at the trade, investment and tourism promotion forum. — VNA/VNS Photo

The highlight of the event, co-organised by Quảng Bình’s Tourism Department, the Vietnamese Embassy in Belgium and the Flemish government agency Visit Flanders, was a seminar on the Vietnamese province’s advantages and opportunities in tourism development.

Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Thao spotlighted the unique natural heritage and culture of Quảng Bình, along with an open investment environment and incentives.

Quảng Bình, dubbed the Kingdom of Caves, wants to seek cooperation to develop tourism, said Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Thang. He added that the province also prioritises renewable energy and high technology industries.

Videos, photos and virtual tours were available at the event to give visitors a look into the destinations in the province.

Piet Steel, a representative of Visit Flanders and Han-sur-Lesse who used to serve as Belgian ambassador to Vietnam, presented his view on Việt Nam tourism in general and the great potential of Quảng Bình in particular. He said he was impressed by the province’s efforts to conserve nature and develop responsible tourism. 



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