DFC: Report on ownership changes of major shareholders/investors holding 5% or more of shares
DFC: Report on ownership changes of major shareholders/investors holding 5% or more of shares
- Name of investor: Pham Duc Minh
- Name of related institution: Linh Trung Es Co.Ltd
Relationship with issuer: Linh Trung Es Co.Ltd is the major shareholder of Dong Anh C&F Joint Stock Company
Relationship with investor: Mr. Pham Duc Minh is the Member of the Board of Members of Linh Trung Es Co.Ltd
- Stock code: DFC
- Number and rate of shares held before transaction: 0 shares (0%)
- Number of shares/fund certificates sold/purchased/give/received/inherited/transferred/received transfer/swap (leading to an ownership rate change over 1%): 345,000 shares being bought
- Number and rate of shares held after transaction: 345,000 shares (3.02%)
- Number and rate of shares held by related person: 600,000 shares (5.26%)
- Number and rate of shares held along with related person after the transaction: 945,000 shares (8.28%)
- Reason for changing ownership: increase in ownership rate
- Trading date: 21/06/2024.