YTC: Notice of transaction in convertible bonds, rights to buy shares/fund certificates, convertible bonds of internal person and affiliated person of internal person
YTC: Notice of transaction in convertible bonds, rights to buy shares/fund certificates, convertible bonds of internal person and affiliated person of internal person
- lnformation on individual/organisation conducting the transaction:
- Name of individual/organisation: SAI GON 3 CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED;
- Current position in the public company, the fund management company (if any) or relationship with the public company, the fund management company: major shareholder. - lnformation of internal person of the public company/public fund who is the affiliated person of individual/organization executing the transaction (in case the person executing transaction is the affiliated person of Internal person of the public company/public fund):
- Relationship of individual/organization executing the transaction with the Internal person: Saigon 3 Capital Investment Company Limited and Ho Chi Minh City Medical Import Export Joint Stock Company are under the same control of Saigon3 Group Investment and Development Joint Stock Company;
- Number, ownership percentage of shares/fund certificates held by the internal person (if any): 0 share (0,00%). - Securities code: YTC
- Trading accounts having shares/fund certificates mentioned at item 3 above:
- Number, ownership percentage of shares/fund certificates held before the transaction of executing rights of purchase or convert bonds into shares: 610,840 shares (19.8%).
- Number of rights or convertible bonds owned:
- Number of convertible bonds owned (in case of exercising trading of convertible bonds or rights to buy convertible bonds):
- Number of rights to purchase shares/fund certificates/convertible bonds owned currently: 1,282,764 shares - Proportion of executing rights to purchase (in case of trading the purchase right) or proportion of converting bonds into shares (In case of convertible bond trading): 100%
- Number of rights to purchase (in case of trading purchase rights) or number of convertible bonds (in case of trading convertible bonds) registered to purchase/sell/present/be presented/ donate/be donated/inherit/transfer/be transferred: 1,282,764 shares
- Type of transaction registered (to purchase/sell/present/be presented/donate/be donated/lnherit/transfer/be transferred): To purchase;
- Number of rights to purchase (in case of trading purchase rights) or number of convertible bonds (in case of trading convertible bonds) registered for trading: 1,282,764 shares - Expected transferred value: None
- Number of shares/fund certificates/convertible bonds expected to hold after exercising the right to purchase or number of shares expected to hold after converting bonds into shares: 1,893,604 shares (19.8%).
- Method of transaction: Exercise the right to buy additional shares issued to existing shareholders.
- Expected trading time: from 29/05/2024 to 28/06/2024.