​Vietnam priority in China’s foreign policy: President Xi

Oct 23rd at 09:33
23-10-2023 09:33:11+07:00

​Vietnam priority in China’s foreign policy: President Xi

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping affirmed that China always considers Vietnam a priority in its foreign policy during his meeting with Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong in Beijing on Friday.

​Vietnam priority in China’s foreign policy: President Xi

Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong (L) shakes hands with General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping in China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

The meeting was part of President Thuong’s China trip to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation from October 17 to 20 at the invitation of Party chief and President Xi.

At the meeting, President Thuong congratulated China on successfully organizing the Belt and Road Forum, with the participation of over 150 government leaders as well as representatives of countries and international organizations.

President Thuong stressed that the Vietnamese Party, state, and people always attach great importance to and consider the consolidation and development of Vietnam-China ties as a strategic choice and a top priority in its foreign policy.

The top Vietnamese leader suggested both sides continue to elevate the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, promote exchanges and meetings at all levels, and boost practical cooperation with a focus on developing sustainable and balanced economy and trade ties.

President Thuong recommended both nations facilitate transport connectivity, speed up the disbursement of Chinese assistance funds to Vietnam, and jointly remove obstacles facing some cooperation projects.

In addition, he proposed both sides make joint efforts to effectively control and satisfactorily resolve differences at sea, respect each other's legal interests in line with international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), as well as team up with relevant nations to transform the East Vietnam Sea into a waterway of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development.

An overview of a meeting between Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong and Chinese Party chief and State President Xi Jinping, China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

A meeting between Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong and Chinese Party chief and State President Xi Jinping in China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

For his part, President Xi said China supports Vietnam’s strong development and successful implementation of the industrialization and modernization process.

The Chinese state leader also recalled General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to the Friendship International Border Gate, where the latter planted a tree.

President Xi highly appreciated this action, saying that it showed the Vietnamese Party and state have attached importance to the Vietnam-China relations.

He agreed to facilitate exchanges at all levels so as to enhance understanding and build up political trust between the two countries.

He underlined the importance of practical and win-win cooperation, affirming that China is willing to increase imports from Vietnam, including farm produce and industrial items.

Xi suggested both sides ramp up cooperation linked to the Belt and Road Initiative with the ‘Two Corridors, One Belt’ framework and map out specific cooperation plans, while promoting strategic cooperation in infrastructure development and transport connectivity and sharing experience in reforming state-owned businesses.

Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong, Chinese Party chief and State President Xi Jinping, and senior officials of Vietnam and China pose for a group photo, China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong, Chinese Party chief and State President Xi Jinping, and senior officials of Vietnam and China pose for a group photo in Beijing, China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

The two presidents also discussed major orientations, measures to further strengthen bilateral ties and regional, international issues of mutual concern, adding that they agreed to spur peace, cooperation, and development in the region and around the world.

Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong at Beijing Airport, China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

Vietnamese State President Vo Van Thuong walks at Beijing Airport in China, October 2023. Photo: Vietnam News Agency

In related news, President Thuong and his entourage arrived in Hanoi on Friday, successfully concluding their trip to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

During his stay in China, the Vietnamese head of state attended many events and met with top officials of China, other countries, and international organizations.

Through the events, the top officials treasured Vietnam’s role and position and sought to beef up practical cooperation with the Southeast Asian nation, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son.

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