Coal continues to be vital for power generation

Jul 4th at 08:20
04-07-2023 08:20:23+07:00

Coal continues to be vital for power generation

As a result of government intervention and support, the amount of coal used for power generation exceeded 20 million tonnes during the first half of this year.


In Notice No.245/TB-VPCP dated June 26, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh instructed relevant entities to, "ensure sufficient domestic coal supply for power generation and other industries."

"In order for the coal industry to keep growing, it must prove itself more dynamic and be more innovative. It must ensure an adequate supply of coal, and it must increase its production by 10 to 15 per cent," said PM Chinh.

Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin) reported that the volume of coal provided to power plants in the first six months was just under 21,000 million tonnes, representing almost 55 per cent of the contract volume and an over 115 per cent increase compared to the same period last year.

State-run Vinacomin intends to increase the quantity of coal supplied for power production in July by approximately 500,000 tonnes. Early in June, Vinacomin and Dong Bac Minerals Mining Corporation collaborated with Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) on an additional supply of one million tonnes above and beyond the contracted volume.

Vinacomin has supplied approximately 18.7 million tonnes of coal to thermal power facilities over the past six months. The group anticipates that the quantity of coal supplied will reach 39.7 million tonnes for the year, an increase of approximately 15 per cent on-year.

The National Load Dispatch Centre predicts that the demand for coal will keep rising until the end of July, then fall during the rainy season, and then increase again beginning in November.

The supply of water to major reservoirs of hydropower in the north of the country remains inadequate, and while the heatwave continues, the demand for coal-sourced electricity will remain high.



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