Vietnamese agricultural products favoured in China

May 28th at 08:19
28-05-2021 08:19:32+07:00

Vietnamese agricultural products favoured in China

Vietnamese agricultural products have won favour among Chinese consumers in recent years due to their quality as well as the improvement in businesses’ supply capacity, a trade promotion official has said.


Deputy head of the Trade Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade Le Hoang Tai said at an online conference held on Wednesday that China is the second-largest export market of Viet Nam, with export turnover in the first four months of this year topping US$16.8 billion, up 32.4 per cent year-on-year.

The nation is also the largest source of imports for Viet Nam, he said, pointing out purchases from China surged 47.8 per cent in the reviewed period amid the pandemic.

Vegetables, coffee, rice, cassava and products made of cassava, and seafood always make up the lion's share of Vietnamese shipments to China, he added.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has carried out a wide range of uniform measures to boost exports to China, including food quarantine, origin tracing, brand development and issuance of the certificate of eligibility, Tai added.



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