$60 million stainless steel plant is to be constructed in Quang Tri

Aug 27th at 17:10
27-08-2018 17:10:52+07:00

$60 million stainless steel plant is to be constructed in Quang Tri

The central province of Quang Tri has licensed domestic firm Viet Quang Limited Company to build a stainless steel plant with total investment of US$60 million.

Late last week, local authorities investigated a site in the province’s South East Industrial Park and granted the land plot to Viet Quang.

The plant will occupy 31ha of land in the industrial park located in Hai Lang District.

Local authorities asked the company to finalise their plans to issue a report soon for the construction planned to commence in the first quarter of the year 2019.

Local departments of environment and natural resources, and agriculture and rural development will work closely with the company to identify the total amount of agricultural and forest land that will be lost for the plant’s construction, as well as the project’s possible impacts on agriculture and nature.

Quang Tri formed the South East Industrial Park in 2015 on a total area of 23,792ha, occupying farming land and land in the coastal protected forest in the three districts of Gio Linh, Trieu Phong and Hai Lang. The park has remained almost entirely empty.



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