Expos offer new technology for industries

Apr 27th at 13:41
27-04-2017 13:41:04+07:00

Expos offer new technology for industries

The 9th Viet Nam Manufacturing Expo 2017 (VME) opened yesterday at the Ha Noi International Centre for Exhibition, showcasing the latest technologies for metrology and assembly automation from 200 brands from 20 countries.


“The VME provides s platform for manufacturers, engineers, and industrialists to meet up for networking and to learn more about new technologies, know-how, ideas and inspiration. This is important especially when we are entering the age of industry 4.0,” Thai Ambassador to Viet Nam Manopchai Vongphakdi said.

“Industry 4.0 may or may not be recognised as revolutionary – rather it may be seen as evolutionary. Industry 4.0 will be a game changer for the Vietnamese workforce. The human workforce will need multiple skills to take on complex manufacturing roles,” Isara Burintramart, Managing Director of Reed Tradex - the VME’s oganiser - said at the opening ceremony.

As skilled labour is considered as key for the new era of Industry 4.0, a wide range of conferences and training programmes will be held during the two-day event, aiming to enhance knowledge and expand networks for enterprises, he said.

The VME is co-located with two other exhibitions – the Industrial Components and Subcontracting Viet Nam which matches parts makers and potential buyers and Viet Nam Sheet Metal which provides technologies, knowledge and ideas in sheet metalworking.



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