VN steel dumping case ends
VN steel dumping case ends
The Australian Anti-Dumping Commission (ADC) has announced the conclusion of its investigation into dumping allegations over zinc-coated (galvanised) steel imported from Viet Nam.
The Vietnamese trade mission in Australia said the ADC had concluded that Vietnamese galvanised steel shipped to Australia was of unremarkable quantity and was not sold at dumping prices, thereby posing no threat to Australia's domestic steel production.
Previously, in 2013, BlueScope Steel filed a complaint accusing exporters of dumping Vietnamese zinc-coated steel in Australia, with a dumping margin of 16.26 per cent.
Although Viet Nam's steel, at around 12,524 tonnes, accounted for just 6.9 per cent of Australia's total zinc-coated steel imports, BlueScope Steel said Vietnamese steel had caused significant damage to the domestic industry.
As more lawsuits related to trade defence are expected to arise when Viet Nam further integrates into the world economy, Vietnamese businesses are advised to have plausible evidence and strong arguments to prove and protect their legitimate interests.