Prices of unprocessed shrimp skyrocket
Prices of unprocessed shrimp skyrocket
Prices of raw shrimp are increasing sharply due to short supply.
Tiger prawn prices in the Mekong Delta were up by VND10,000 (US$0.48) per kilo against last week, to the highest price within a year.
Twenty-pieces-per-kilo tiger prawn costs VND240,000 ($11.54) while 30 and 40 ppk s cost VND160,000-170,000 ($7.7-8.2) and VND150,000 ($7.21) per kilo respectively. Prices of white-legged shrimp also rose to VND125,000-130,000 ($6-6.25) per kilo of 40 pieces and VND110,000 ($5.29) per kilo of 60 pieces.